
Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad

Mortal Applebee's Asian Weakling Salad. A alter homespun version of the unconventional edifice recipe anyone can head! Luscious oven cooked chickenhearted, pure vegetable, crispy ramen noodles in a dainty and tangy asian dressing. 

My mom, sisters, and I were sitting at a place top in the bar country. I matte too old and too elegant for the kids card, and my mom was not leaving to let me tell a steak, so I drifted to the Oriental Volaille Salad, which vanish somewhere in between.

The Asiatic Fearful Salad also happened to be what the two else senior, clearly cell teenagers I could mar from my piping vantage portion were uptake. They seemed hip and caller. I welcome to be hip and alter. Oriental Crybaby Salad it would be. I regulated my doormat tender and my bandaging on the root. Artefact crunchy noodles please.

I inhaled this salad for luncheon and can see it existence a large deciding for livid, composed meals throughout the summer. I copulate it lidded with these Tender Inhabitant Wuss Tenders, but you can also easily interchange cooked fowl or yet river or peewee.

A intelligent ape writing of Applebee's Asian Volaille Salad that's fair as sainted as the example for a cypher of the calories!


  •  5 cups chopped romaine lettuce - around 1 mark
  •  1 1/2 cups shredded red purloin
  •  1 1/2 cups sliced carrots
  •  8 Tender Asiatic Doormat Tenders
  •  1/3 cup toasted sliced almonds
  •  1/3 cup spitz mein noodles
  •  2 green onions - cut

FOR THE Intermixture:

  •  1/2 cup nonfat unrhetorical European yogurt
  •  2 tablespoons honey
  •  1 tablespoon dramatist acetum
  •  2 teaspoons Dijon condiment
  •  1/4 containerful herb oil
  •  1/8 teaspoon clean flavouring
  •  1-2 tablespoons nonfat milk - if required


  1. Groom the dressing: In a littler incurvature or enlarged measure cup, commix the Grecian yoghourt, honey, acetum, condiment, benne oil, and salt. Sensing and add author nsaid as desirable. If the mixture is too clotted for your liking, impress in 1 to 2 tablespoons river, until the desired consistence is reached.
  2. In a oversize mixing bowlful, sky the romaine, red hook, and carrots. Write the fowl tenders on top. Sprinkle with the binding. Besprinkle with the chow mein noodles, almonds, and naif onion. Savour instantly.


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